Lyla Flanagan is 13 and currently the head of editing for the Mal Sis Books Website. (malsisbooks.com) She loves writing, dogs, and writing about dogs! Lyla is an aspiring musician, as she sings and plays guitar.

Shelby Flanagan is the Plot Planner and Photo Editor for the Mal Sis Book series. She is an active dancer, organizer, and dog lover. Shelby was born in New York and moved to Colorado at one year old. She loves learning new skills, drinking tea, and having family time.

James Flanagan, a former New York City Transit Cop and retired New York City Fireman, currently resides in Castle Rock, Colorado. James is technical advisor to the Mal Sis Book series. His goal in helping with this book series is to encourage his fellow sufferers recognize symptoms and treat their PTSD. He takes pleasure in playing music and caring for his Dolly.