Joe’s Life As A Transit Cop

Many things happen in Joe’s life as a Transit Cop, but what are some of them? A few things that Joe sees every day are: Token Suckers, Turnstile Jumpers, Graffiti Artists, Ghetto Blasters (People carrying boomboxes), Chain-Snatchers and Pickpockets. Here’s the 4-1-1 on usual Subway happenings.


First, we have the Token Suckers. Token Suckers are desperate people who jam turnstiles with paper or matchboxes, wait for someone to drop a token in, and suck the token out with their mouth pressed against the token slot to receive their $1.50 spoils. Why? So they can sell the tokens to make profit. They are probably the most disgusting criminals, like, ever.

Token Booth

Next, we have Turnstile Jumpers. This one is pretty self-explanatory, and these include folk who don’t want to pay the subway fare and just hop over the turnstile.


Graffiti Artists are writers, usually with a blackbook (notebook), cannons (spraypaint), and some stainers (markers), who go into the subways at night and stealthily piece (make) large words or tags, leaving their urban art in the city and all over subway stations and train cars.


Ghetto Blasters are people carrying large boomboxes, usually holding it with a strap around their neck (Boomboxes are VERY heavy!), so everyone around them can hear their music, creating lots of unnecessary noise!

Ghetto Blaster

Chain Snatchers are people, usually lurking in the subway, who come up behind people wearing gold chains or necklaces and grab them, breaking the chain/clasp and running off with it.

Gold Chain

Lastly, we have pickpockets. Pickpockets are thieves, in a crowd, who brush past you or come up close to you and reach into your pocket and grabbing a wallet or phone, or something else of value and escaping the area with your valuables.


You just got the lowdown on subway happenings.

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